Online Trademark Registration Application
Trademark application for registration of any brand, logo, design, slogan etc can be done online without physical presence of applicant. If any person wants to protect there brand from misuse by other person then its better to apply for trademark registration, after application you can use ‘TM’ with your logo and after registration from department which may take up to one year you can use ‘R’ in circle which reflects that the trademark is registered and cannot be used by any other person.
In any case the registered trademark used by any other person then you can forward them notice and ask department to taking action on the unauthorized use of your brand. It is to be notice that in case we apply for Your brand name and any if other party or department raise objection for use of brand, then we can filled responses on the applied trademark on your behalf.
Categories of trademark:
There are 45 classes of trademark classes available as per government rules, you can apply trademark of you business according to your business class like in case you belongs to shoe business you must apply your trademark on class 25 also if you run business of musical instrument you must apply trademark class 15.
The class of trademark will depend on your business
This can be understand by simple example of VIP, one vendor sells luggage business while other sells undergarments in the similar name.
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Documents Required for trademark Registration
1. Pan Card
Individual PAN card is required for registration. In case of company or partnership we need separate PAN card of entity

2. Aadhaar Card
For registration we need Adhaar card of individual ( Some time Voter ID may work ) for address of individual.

3. brand logo
We required brand logo in PNG format for registration.

Some reasons for Trademark Registration
1.Brand Protection
By application for trademark registration we can protect our trademark from misusing by any unauthorized person, every other person who wants to use your brand need to take prior approval.
2. Market Value
Trademark registration increase market value of any trademark, registered trademark is more valuable rather then registered brand names.
3. Global acceptance
Registered trademark in India can be use as a base for registration in other countries, this is very impotent to understand that foreign person can register there trademark in India.
4. Intangible assest
Trademarks intangible asset for any business, with the time the value of this asset will increases with value of business and you can charge amount from other person who wants to use the same name.
5. Uniqueness
Registered trademark is proof that you are unique in market and no other person can use these trademark.
Expert advice
Get a call from expert so as they can understand business
Documents submission
Send all the documents according to your business requirement as suggested by the expert
Application filling
Once all the documents been send by you our team filled the application to the relevant department.
Getting certificate
This is last and final step of completion of your work to get your certificate
How Ovakil help with TRADEMARK Registration?
Ovakil helps you for registering Trademark of business, it usually take 2-3 days for all process.
1. Trademark search report
We will generate TM report before application by which we can analyses the chance of getting registration of proposed trademark.
2.Documents preparation
For registration documents like MEME, Power of attorney are required, we prepare all application related documents.
3. Trademark Application
After all above working we apply for trademark, whole process will not take more then 2 working days

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