Check In Which Class Your Trademark Is To Be Registered

Trademark registration that works to protects your business reputation and goodwill around the world. With the trademark; one can easily make his or her business familiar to the target market. Trademark can be representing as graphic, text, words or combination of these elements. It can be use over the letter pad of the company, banners […]
Some Reasons For Trademark Objections

Once a Trademark application is filed, a trademark examiner scrutinizes the application. This is done to make sure the application isn’t at odds with any trademark rules. A trademark application can face an objection for any of the following reasons Use of incorrect trademark form In case the application is not made on the correct form, […]
Rules for Authorized Share Capital for Company Registration

Authorized Share Capital more commonly known as authorized capital is basically the maximum amount of share capital that a company can issue to shareholders. This amount varies from company to company and is subject to change but only with the approval of shareholders. Let’s just assume that a company’s authorized capital is Rupees one lakh then […]
Transaction In Cash Above Rs 3 Lakhs Is Prohibited In India

From this budget a new Section 269ST is proposed to prohibit the receipts of cash in excess of Rs 3,00,000 from a person in a single day or in respect of any single transaction. However, this restriction shall not apply to Government, any banking company, post office savings bank or co-operative bank or any other […]
Pre-Assessment Notice To Wrong Address of Assessee Will Not Render A Valid Notice

In CIT v. Abacus Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd, the Bombay High Court held that the issue of a notice under section 143(2) of the Income Tax Act bearing the wrong (old) address of the assessee does not amount to a valid service of the notice u/s 282 r.w.s. 27 of the General Clauses Act. Quashing […]
Nidhi Company Registration process and list of documents required

Nidhi Company registration process isn’t extremely tough and not take much time to entire procedure. To continue with the idea of company, we like to give brief presentation of Nidhi Company. Nidhi Company is a organization function as a little bank, So few people in market use to know this organization as a Nidhi Bank. In […]
Much Awaited Guiding Principles Of Place Of Effective Management

CBDT has issued the much awaited Guiding Principles of Place of Effective Management (POEM) of a Company which is applicable from AY 2017-18. Important features being: 1. POEM guidelines shall not apply to companies having turnover or gross receipts of Rs. Fifty (50) Crore or less in a FY. 2. Active Business outside India (ABOI) […]
Foreign Tax Credit For Minimum Alternate Tax And Alternate Minimum Tax

MAT: “Minimum Alternate Tax” or “Maximum Aversion Tax”: You read it correctly, MAT is gradually becoming Maximum Aversion Tax because of variety of reasons. If one checks history, MAT is the most disliked tax. It was introduced to collect tax from exempted assessees having book profits and then enlarged to Special Economic Zones including increase […]
How Do I Get Patents In A Start Up ?

A patent can be defined as a grant of exclusive rights to an inventor over his invention for a limited period of time. The exclusive rights conferred include the right to make, use, exercise, sell or distribute the invention in India. The term of a patent is twenty years, after the expiry of which, the […]
How To File Online Income Tax Return If We Don’t Have Form 16?

At the time online income tax return you need to get Form 16 from your employer if you are salaried employee. What if you don’t have form 16 at the time of return? Here we will discuss some easy steps by which you can do income tax filing even you don’t have income tax return. The amount shown in […]