Selection of company name is not very easy task; we need to consider so many factors for deciding name of the company. But after all factors what if the name we decide is same from the existing company?
Company name can be break in three parts First part is company main name, middle name must shows nature of business and third part is like surname i.e. Private limited, Limited etc.

At the time of deciding name we need to understand that in case our first name is the same of existing company then we need to check out the objective of other company. In case other company have the same objective then it’s not possible to have the same name.
Middle name of any company can be same but we need to understand in case our first name matches with any other company then we should choose different middle name otherwise our name application will rejected by department.
Last name of company can’t be choose by the promoters of the company, last name always depend on the nature of company. In case of Private limited company last name will always “Private Limited”. And in case of public limited company last name will always “Limited”
Check in Trademark
At the time selecting the name we must check whether the name is available in trademark or not. In case proposed company name is resemble or same of the trademark registered in the same class in which new company need to start work, the name will be rejected by the department
What if there is resemble?
In case name is resemble with any other existing company then we should change our name because chances of rejection from department is very high.